Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Adversity: Friend or Foe?

Ever had it hit you square between the eyes... or in the pit of your stomach... or stab you in the back... knock the breath out of you? Well, I certainly have. Yesterday seemed especially adverse on several things. I kept getting doors slammed in my face (figuratively); added on burdens to bear; and just a general feeling of "what's gonna hit me next!" By the time I went to bed last night, I was completely mentally exhausted.
And during the night a magical thing happened... WRONG!
No, I got up this morning with the same issues facing me. But what did change during the night was strength to face the challenges again today. I have been virtually coaching several students in a career readiness module today, and I realized that even as teens there are a lot of things already bothering them.
Something in me wants to say, "Hey, you're too young to have all these issues." But in reality, their issues are just as crushing as mine or yours. We all face adversity; most of us on a daily basis. However, just like I keep telling my young friends... We must continue to overcome... one step at a time!
I got this! DO YOU?

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